pirmadienis, vasario 28, 2011

KAŽKĄ 2011-02-25

KAŽKĄ 2011-02-25

Atsigulti pievos žiedo viduje,
Susilieti tykiai su gamta,
Pajusti rytietiškų kvapų dvelkimą,
Išgyventi tai, ko trokšta Arlekinas.

Pabusti ryto gaivoje,
Užčiuopti vasarą savam delne,
Įkvėpti Himalajų orą,
Pagauti paukštį gero noro.

Tik pajusti dieviškų sparnų plakimą.


Šviežiuose kavinukėse mes gėrėm arbata,
Apsirėdę tarytum vaidintume klajoklius.

Tai suteikė nuotaikai ypatingumo.
Jautėmes lyg trumpam sustoję atsipūsti
Po ilgų dzen paieškų.

Ten slypėjo krištolinė rauda,
Kažkodėl tai aplinkai tiko.
Rauda buvo visur,
Ji buvo rami,
Persipynusi su krištolu.
Kad ir kaip bandytum,
Ji niekaip neišnyko.

Mes neverkėm, tik tylėjom,
Tarytum būtume pamiršę vaidnti.
To jau nebereikėjo.
Kažkas tarp mūsų nutiko.

Aišku ne kažkas, mes žinome kas.
Tik nereikia sakyti ... ššš..
Mes gyvensim.

Tiems, kurie nesupranta(abejoja, patiki, naivūs) (for d.r. and others) 2011-01-28

Tiems, kurie nesupranta(abejoja, patiki, naivūs) (for d.r. and others) 2011-01-28

Dzen, tai kantrybės ugdymo menas.
Kantrybė, tai sraigė, lipanti daugiabučio siena.
Sraigė lipa nebyliai ignoruodama tarpus tarp plytų,
Susikoncentravusi tik kaip atmesti kiekvieną.

O kantrybė neugdo žaizdų?
Kaip gi tos nuospaudos nuo spaudžiančių batų,
Tik su viltim jau po skausmo nešiotų?

Kam gi tada reikalingi psichologai,
Jei egzistuoja dzen – kantrybės ugdymo menas?
Kam gi tada mums kalbėti?
Jei budistas sako: Tylėk.

ketvirtadienis, vasario 24, 2011

Woody Allen

He is so great.

“ Life is like Vegas. You’re up, you’re down… but in the end, the house always wins. Doesn’t mean you didn’t have fun. ” - Woody Allen, 1997

trečiadienis, vasario 23, 2011

pirmadienis, vasario 21, 2011

"This life we're watching"#1

One of my favourites.

Ensemble, C’est Tout (which is literally translated “Together, That’s All”), based on the book of the same name by Anna Gavalda, tells the story of Camille (Audrey Tautou), who while a talented sketch artist, works at night as a cleaner. It seems that Camille does everything she can to disappear. She barely eats to the point that her mother even tells her that no boy will be interested in her if she looks like that.

At the beginning of the movie, Camille, who lives in the attic of an old apartment building, gets the flu. Fortunately for her, a young stuttering aristocrat who lives in the building, Philibert (Laurent Stocker), whom she had befriended, finds he freezing and decides to take her in to live with him in his apartment. Unfortunately, his roommate, Franck (Guillaume Canet) is not as excited as Philibert at the prospect of a new person sharing the apartment. You see, Franck is a dissatisfied chef who works six days a week and on his day off goes to visit his grandmother Paulette (Francoise Bertin), whom he feels guilty for putting into a home.
But even though everything seemed to be going wrong, these four people will change each other’s lives in the most unexpected ways.
At the heart of the story, Audrey Tautou and Guillaume Canet give life to these characters with such simplicity that it makes the film what it is.
It is so rare nowadays with all the blockbuster movies coming out of Hollywood to find a simple story told in such a way that you can not only relate to it but you’ll also be thinking about it for days to come.

Read more: ENSEMBLE, C’EST TOUT (Hunting and Gathering) Review | Daemon's Movies http://www.daemonsmovies.com/2009/04/01/ensemble-cest-tout-hunting-and-gathering-review/#ixzz1EcVtjUVC

Day song #9

Justas&Auris - Out Of Everything

Romantic Outfit

sekmadienis, vasario 20, 2011

Fashion #3

Very lovely collection. A little bit flirty and romantic. And hairstyle is amzing.

photos made by Keiko Lynn

sekmadienis, vasario 13, 2011

Dienos daina #7

Rockettothesky - Grizzly Man promo.
Written, Produced and Directed by Tundra* with Tharan Revfem.
Edited by Tundra* with Stephen Bell. Costume by Tiril Aarvig

Lou Salomé, Paul Ree and Friedrich Nietzsche (1882)

Lou Salomé, Paul Ree and Friedrich Nietzsche (1882)
Lou von Salomé spannt Paul Rée und Friedrich Nietzsche vor ihren Karren. Fotographie im Atelier Jules Bonnet in Luzern zwischen dem 13. und 16. Mai 1882. Das Foto wurde von Nietzsche in allen Einzelheiten arrangiert, nachdem Salomé Heiratsanträge beider Männer abgelehnt hatte.